Be a mindful gift giver

Be a mindful gift giver
Gift giving can sometimes feel like a stressful, expensive race that you never feel like you can win, but it doesn’t have to be! Mindful gift giving can be rewarding, sustainable and give you a glow as if you’d just stepped off a beach in Bali (if only!), as well as bring joy to the person you’re giving it to.
Here are our top tips for mindful gift giving:
Go for good
Really think about where your money is going. Is it going to anonymous Big Business, or
smaller, local businesses (ahem! ��). Can you support indigenous makers, or will your gift
support a cause? Where are the materials coming from – could your purchase support
Aussie farmers (like our Australian Merino Wool blankets)? Do some top notch googling
make your gift work for the world you want to live in.
Go BIG on love
Show that love, baby! Whether it’s for a friend, a baby or a family member, make sure your
gift says ‘I see you! I treasure you.’ Sure, if it’s for your boss you might want to lay off the
treasuring! But it’s about highlight the listening – it’s like maths – show how you worked it
out, and what makes this person special to you.
Go early
Forget better late than never – the early bird gets the gift worm! A little thinking in advance
to take the pressure down (this one is a game changer so we’ll do a whole blog on it soon).
Keep a list of people you want to give presents to, and add gift ideas when inspiration
strikes! And this way, you can buy when you can afford it or when it’s on sale (because who
doesn’t love a good sale).
Mindful gift giving is about a deliberate show of love or appreciation – what could be more
satisfying than that?
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